This article will walk through the changes made to Science State Assessment options for Michigan for grades 4, 5, 7 and 8.
Michigan removed the general assessment for science for grades 4 and 7. Please note that there are STILL alternate assessments for science for these grades.
1. Select from the science subtest dropdown, "There is no science general assessment for this grade level" for any student in fourth or seventh grade who would be taking the general science assessment.
2. Select from the science subtest dropdown the appropriate alternate assessment for any student in grades 4 or 7 who will be taking an alternate assessment. Note: You will also need to add a rationale statement as appropriate.
1. Input additional information in the rationale box as appropriate.
Michigan added a General Assessment for Science for grades Fifth and Eighth Grade. Please note that there is not an alternate assessment option.
1. Select from the science subtest dropdown, "General Assessments " for any student who will be taking the General Assessment for grades 5 or 8.
2. Select from the science subtest dropdown, "There is no alternate science assessment for this grade level" for any student who would be taking an alternate assessment for grades fifth or eighth grade. Note: You will also need to add a rationale statement as appropriate.