Once you've entered PFT data, you can view it in a couple of different ways through Prebuilt or provided reports and Custom Reports, or reports you can create on your own using the assessment data.
Where to Start
1. From the Overview page (Assessments > View Assessments > Physical Fitness Testing), click PFT Data Review OR PFT Healthy Fitness Zones.
Prebuilt Reports
The following Prebuilt or Ready-Made reports are available within the PFT Assessment Tool and Reports View:
2. Use the filters to select what data you'd like to see.
3. Report View- You can view PFT data in two ways, by Summary or by List.
4. Click View in Browser (or Download to PDF/Excel).
The Summary view will generate a summary report with the averages of all the students selected.
The list view will generate an alphabetical list of all students selected and show all categories. Anything showing up in red is missing data.
2. Use the filters to select what data you'd like to see.
3. Click View in Browser (or Download to PDF/Excel).
The report will generate each student's full name, student ID, and test date, and any PFT data they have is displayed with the body composition, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility color coded based on their Healthy Fitness Zone.
Custom Reports
Data from both the PFT Assessment Tool and State Assessment imported data are available for use in Custom Reports.
More information is coming!
After the official State scores have been imported into your site, the data is available for use on Custom Reports.
Selecting the Type State Assessments > Search within Categories "PFT" will provide a list of all academic year PFT data sets available.
Once the data set is selected, a list of available data columns will appear.