Description: This is an abstract for the PSAT/SAT Performance Summary report, which summarizes data for the PSAT or SAT national assessments.
Purpose: This report averages PSAT or SAT scores and provides a count of college-ready students based on established criteria for students in the group selected.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > National Assessments > PSAT/SAT
Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and administrators
What data is reported?
Average score for each section, test, and subscore areas, total count and percentage of college-ready and not college-ready students.
How is the data reported?
College-ready count and percentages are shown in the top table and graph. The Sections, Tests, and Subscores portions display the average score in numeric format followed by a chart with the average indicated by a marker. The bar ranges vary by grade and area. The total scale for each is displayed in the header.
This report uses the 'Group Students By' feature to give users a choice as to how they wish to group students on the report. The report groups all students by Grade Level first due to the variances in the chart cut scores. In addition, users can also choose to group by Course, Section, Site, and Teacher.
For more information regarding the benchmark scores please refer to: