Live Proctoring allows users to keep track as students progress through an assessment. This article guides users through accessing and interpreting the Live Proctoring screen.
Live Proctoring is designed for assessments with fewer than 30 questions for a class size of 20-30 students. For best results, do not add multiple courses or entire grade levels of students to a single online testing roster.
Before You Begin
This lesson begins assuming an online testing roster has already been created and students have started taking the assessment. To learn how to set up an online test roster, visit Online Testing Setup Using the Student Portal.
Where to Start
- Select the Assessments tab, then View Assessments.
- Select the Actions tab for the desired assessment.
- Select Administer.
- Select Live Proctoring.
If this is an Item Bank assessment, it is important that the administration window is not altered if students have already begun testing. Due to Item Bank assessments utilizing a session ID, editing an administration window "breaks" the session ID code, preventing students from continuing their assessment.
Dashboard or Overall View (Default)
The Dashboard view allows users to view all students in an online testing roster at once.
- Student Names (or the selected Sort Option) are listed on the left side of the screen. Select a student's name to see a pop up with all of the individual student's answers.
- Select the dots next to a student's name to Enable Text to Speech, Reset their Password, or Re-Open the exam.
- Questions or Items are listed along the top with the correct answer in green. Select the question number (Q#) to view the Question.
- Student answers are color coded:
- If the student answered the question correctly, the corresponding box turns green.
- If they answered incorrectly, the box turns red with their incorrect answer choice in it.
- Partially answers items will display as yellow for Item Bank assessments.
- View By allows users to sort the selected view by Last Name, First Name, Student ID, or Anonymous.
- Sort By Order will sort the selected option from ascending or descending, like A-Z or Z-A
- Tools such as Enable Help, Pause, and Go To are available in all views. To learn about the tools, visit Live Proctoring Tools for more information.
- Select Filters to display students based on their status in the assessment N (Not Started), S (Started), P (Paused) or F (Finished).
- Select the Pause icon to Pause the entire roster.
- View student Help Requests or Exit the Live Proctoring screen.
If using randomized answer choices for your assessment, live proctoring will not display as expected. It is best advised to use proctoring views such as Aggregate View and General Proctoring when applying randomized answer choices for administration.
Questions or Tile View
The Questions or Tile View displays item or question results in the form of tiles.
- Select Questions to change from the Dashboard to By Item view.
- Overall Response, Correct and Incorrect Percentage, and Items as submitted live are displayed on the top of the screen.
- The Student Responses Box shows the student's correct response displayed green and student's incorrect response displayed red.
- Users can Zoom the display in to show more student responses on the screen (helpful for larger classes) or users can zoom out to show larger response boxes (helpful for displaying drawing response or graphing/math items).
- Select the dots to view the Question Details or view Answer Distribution.
- Toggle questions by selecting the Question #.
Next Steps
Learn more about Live Proctoring by visiting Live Proctoring Tools.