Description: This report shows a student's performance over time for standards, standard collections, or question groups across selected assessments.
Purpose: To observe a student's growth in standards or question group areas over time.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Multiple Assessment Longitudinal Performance by Standards or Question Groups
Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators.
What data is reported?
Student name, student ID, standard code and description OR question group name, assessment date taken, assessment name, number of items on the assessment, points correct over points possible, percent correct, and performance band color. Tool tips also provide similar assessment details along with the performance band name.
How is the data reported?
Users can select multiple assessments directly or through the use of various input control options (date range, scope, subject, grade, etc.). Aggregate by student, class, teacher, grade level, or site. This allows users to view student performance on standards or question groups as a class rather than by individual students. Any standards-based OR question group-based assessment taken at least once by a student will be included that student's list. Percent correct is plotted on a line chart over dates taken to show growth in that area.