Content offers many formative assessment solutions, including Inspect Plus, NGSS assessments, and Quick Checks.
General Information
For Key Data Systems INSPECT information and resources, please visit
Coming Back with Inspect Assessment Series
The Coming Back assessment series is now available. For guidance, download the Admin or Teacher informational PDF below.
Inspect ELA and Math

Inspect ELA and Math provides high-quality standards-based assessment content that paves the way for actionable data:
- 100,000+* items that provide districts ample items for classroom and district assessments
- Ready-to-use interim and summative assessments that can be easily modified to align to pacing
- Performance tasks and technology-enhanced items that reflect the rigor and format of high-stakes tests while promoting deeper thinking and learning
- Detailed distractor rationales and rubrics that equip teachers with specific feedback for quick, targeted intervention and re-teaching
- Pre-built assessments aligned to the SBAC IAB blueprints
- Items created by content experts that ensure content is accurately aligned, is free of bias and sensitivity concerns, and yields results that educators need to drive instruction forward
- Continuous item evaluation process that uses psychometric analysis to ensure items are performing as expected
*Alignment and counts vary by state
Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS pre-built assessments and items that support the three dimensions of science learning:
- Pre-built assessments configured to assess NGSS bundles and state-specific instructional segments for Arizona, California, Michigan, New York, and Utah
- Additional NGSS items in the Inspect Premium Item Bank allow educators to create assessments that follow their own instructional sequence
- Elicit evidence of learning from each response so teachers can gain insights into student progress
- Embedded professional development by showing the relationship among specific PEs, the three dimensions, and higher-order thinking
*NGSS is a registered trademark of Achieve and is included as reference only
Quick Checks

Quick Checks quickly, flexibly, and accurately inform instruction:
- 600+ short-cycle assessments specifically designed to support teachers classroom assessment programs
- 250+ ELA Quick Checks address standards in reading, writing, language, and foundational skills strands
- 350+ Math Quick Checks address every CCR cluster or concept
- Organized around instructionally important concepts like clusters in math and text complexity in reading
- Designed to blend into classroom activities and be incorporated into lesson planning
Next Steps
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