The DnA Student Profile houses a variety of widgets for customization of the data a user wants to see upon login. Below is a short description of each widget, along with the features you can use within that widget.
All widgets that have an Adobe symbol in them allow you to print this single, specific snapshot of information for the student versus printing the whole profile.
Where to Start

In the side navigation panel, you can select the Search icon to activate the Quick Switcher. The Quick Switcher can also be accessed using keyboard shortcuts.
Learn more about Quick Switcher!

Start by typing a student's name. You can either select Search Students for 'steve' or Enter to search instantly with results.

By pressing Enter, a list of possible matches will appear. Use your keyboard arrows and Enter or mouse to select a student to view.

You will land on the Student's Demographic Details page. Select the Student's Name to retrieve the Student Profile.
What Data Does Each Widget Display?
Below describes each available widget depending on the modules enabled within your site. Some widgets display data that needs to be imported into the site first. Widgets may take up to 24 hours to update and display properly.
To manage available widgets, visit Enable Widgets.

The Assessments widget allows a user to see all scores from recent (or historical) assessments the student has taken. It reports the title of the assessment, date taken, correct/possible, performance band and percent correct.
Using the filters along the top-Year, Grade, Scope, & Subject- you can choose what assessments display.

The Assessment Standard Progress widget displays all standards that a student has been assessed on during a specified time period (selected via dropdown menus at the top). It shows the standard, performance, percent mastered and trends in performance. If there is more than one bar under performance, that indicates the student was assessed on that standard more than once. Click on the Standard to see its description. Also, click on the piece of paper next to the Performance Graphs to see what assessment(s) this standard was tested on.
The Subject Area menu is determined by the subject tag of the assessment, NOT the standards themselves. If the subject comes up as 'Not Defined' in widget apply a subject tag to the assessment.

The Attendance widget reports a student's absences (excused and unexcused), tardies, suspensions and truancy totals and percentages for a specified year.
In order for student attendance marks to count towards Out-of-School Suspension, the attendance flag that student receives needs to be saved as the Attendance Flag Type Out-of-School Suspension on the Attendance Flags page.

The Contact Information widget displays all contact information for a student. It indicates which contacts are mailing, emergency and legal contacts.

The Custom Report widget allows a user to display information from a Custom Report that has been created in the system and shared with them. The dropdown menus at the top allow users to choose how many columns will display and what report will display in this widget.

The Behavior Management History widget shows all discipline history for the student by date and time and includes description, referred by, location, violation codes, consequences and total days/hours/minutes.

The Enrollment History widget displays all enrollment history for a student, organized by year.

The GPA widget displays a student's calculated GPA using all GPA calculations, starting with Cumulative GPA.

The Gradebook widget shows all current gradebook grades in the chosen grading period (selected via the dropdown menu at the top).
- This widget will show all gradebooks a student was in within the selected grading period. The enrollment column will show if the student is currently rostered to the class.
- If you’d like to see Inactive Gradebooks or gradebooks that the teacher marked as inactive, uncheck the Only Show Active Gradebooks box.
- With permission, this widget may provide such users with view only access to the selected gradebook, without having the gradebooks shared to them.

The Health widget displays all medical history, physical restrictions, modifications, immunizations requirements, TB test results, and vaccination dates for a student.

The Historical Report Cards widget allows a user to select report cards from previous years (via checkbox) and download them. Historical report cards must be shared with the user in order to be available for download.

The Language widget shows all languages associated with a student-primary, home and proficiency.

The On Track Configurations widget displays in detail which On Track configurations and scores they fall under, if using the Early Warning System On Track.

The Portal View displays what a student currently sees when they log into their portal.
- This is exactly what students (and parents for the most part) see when visiting the portal
- Completely interactive, able to navigate and see data as presented in the portal
- Parent tools such as Custom Forms, Registration, and switching between siblings cannot be seen
- Want to see it larger? Hold CTRL and select any click on the page, to open a browser-size view of the portal as if you were student
- Accessing the portal view does not allow you to take assessments for or as the student
Learn more by visiting Portal Widget Library!

This widget will display SAT and PSAT Results based on State Known/Data Imports of official SAT and/or PSAT administration results. Results will show various test and sub scores, along with College and Career Readiness Scores and additional details such as multiple administrations, if applicable.

The Schedule widget shows a student's schedule for the current term and/or selected terms.

The State Assessment-Overview displays overall scale scores, proficiency levels, and where a student ranks versus state averages for any state assessments selected via the checkboxes at the top.

The State Assessment - Question Groups widget provides a breakdown of student scores for question groups. The display is dependent on the available data for the selected state assessment and could include correct/possible, percent correct, colored graph of student score versus state averages, performance level and text, scale score and minimal/average/advanced scores for each group.

The Transcript by Term widget displays the following basic transcript information for the term selected in the dropdown: Mark, Credits Received, Credits Attempted and Repeat.
Next Steps
Certain widgets can be enabled and disabled by admin users. To learn more, visit Enable Widgets.