This lesson is intended as a guide for creating a Benchmark in the goals/objectives portion of a student's IEP.
Benchmarking allows users to automatically generate Short Term Objectives based on baseline data, target data, and number of reporting periods.
Once a Benchmark has been created and the IEP has been published you may print Progress Reports in the same fashion as typical Goals/Objectives.
One enhanced feature of benchmarking is that Progress Reports created using the benchmarking option automatically generate a target line based on the baseline and target values entered in the system.
For more information on Progress Reporting see the "Complete an Eligible IEP Manual."
If you are still having difficulty creating a Benchmark please contact the Illuminate Help Desk by calling 951-739-0186 or e-mailing us at
Where to Start
After opening a student's record (see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help):
1. Click on Special Ed.
2. Click on IEP Details.
From the Select Action dropdown, choose Wizard Quick Resume.
From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Goal Details.
For more information on how to navigate the IEP Wizard, see the "Navigating the IEP Wizard" chapter in the Complete an Eligible IEP manual.
Click the Add Benchmark link.
1. Add Sort Order Number if desired to have goals show in a specific order.
2. Select Role(s) responsible.
NOTE: The next three areas will flow together to create the Benchmark Goal. Goal = Skill/Behavior/Condition (as measured by) + Accuracy/Criteria + Timeframe/Date.
3. Enter your Skill/Behavior/Condition (as measured by).
4. Enter Accuracy/Criteria.
5. Enter the Timeframe/Date. NOTE: You do not need to add a period (.) at the end of Timeframe/Date as the system will automatically add this for you on both IEP Goals Process Page and IEP PDF.
6. Enter key words into the text box to narrow the search results.
7. Use the Drop Down Menus to select the Standards Bank (First Drop Down), Subject Area (Second Drop Down), and Grade Level (Third Drop Down).
8. Click Search.
9. Click the Radio Button next to the standard you wish to select.
10. Click the Save Standard Button.
Note: To search for all standards in a desired goal bank, simply select the desired Standards Bank, put a space in the search field (as a placeholder), and click the Search button. To search for all available standards simply place a space in the search field (as a placeholder) and click Search.
For more information on goal banks or help finding specific areas of goals (i.e., Speech Goals, Fine Motor, etc.) please refer to the "Frequently Asked Questions Manual."
Once the Standard has been saved, click a Save Benchmark button.
1. Select the Evaluation Procedure(s) from the dropdown menu.
2. From the Drop Down select the schedule for Assessment of Progress. (Note: This is not how OFTEN you will be reporting progress. Instead, it is how often you will be assessing growth.)
3. Input the Baseline Value for the skill being assessed. (Note: This should be a number value.)
4. Enter the Performance Value Target Value (what level the student is to achieve to or end up at) for the skill being assessed. Note: This should be a number value.)
5. Enter the Statement of Measurement for the Target Value (Examples: the percent correct, out of ___ words, words read correctly).
6. In the Number of Reporting Periods indicate the number of times that you wish to report on the Benchmark Goal.
7. Click Save.
Note: The Baseline Value, Target Value, and Number of Objectives will automatically generate your Short-Term Objectives based on the data input in these three fields. These values will also automatically generate a target trajectory on subsequent Progress Reports.
For more information on Progress Reports please refer to the "Complete an Eligible IEP Manual."
Next Steps
You have now successfully created Benchmark Goal and Benchmark Objectives.
You are now ready to complete the IEP and/or generate Progress Reports (only available for Published IEPs).
For more information on completing the remainder of the IEP and/or generating Progress Reports please refer to the "Complete an Eligible IEP Manual."