In this lesson, you will learn how to edit, duplicate, and delete a Flexible Assessment. You can always edit or delete an assessment if the Can Edit Sharing Permission has been given to you. If you are not the assessment author, check with the assessment creator if you are unsure as to whether or not you have this permission.
Any users with 'Can Edit' permission on the assessment can make edits to all areas of the assessment, including question types and correct answers.
Where to Start
- Go to Assessments.
- Select Visit Assessments.
- Click the title of the assessment.
Edit an Assessment
- Click Edit.
- Update the Answer Key as needed. This includes changing question types, correct answers, weight, standards, and more. Updates can be made even after students have taken the assessment.
- Select Done when finished.
Assessments need to be re-scored with the item type has been changed after the assessment has been administered.
Duplicate an Assessment
- To duplicate or make a copy of an assessment, select the Advanced Menu or gear icon on the assessment's overview page.
- Select Duplicate Assessment.
- A green banner will appear showing the assessment has successfully been copied and take you to View Assessments.
- The copy of the original assessment will be located on the top highlighted in blue. Click to open it!
Delete a Flexible Assessment
- Select Advanced Settings, or gear icon.
- Select Delete Assessment.
Confirm Deletion
- Confirm to delete the assessment by checking BOTH of the statements provided.
- Did you realize you didn't want to delete? No problem! Select Nevermind, get me out of here! to cancel and go back.
- Ready to delete? Select Delete Assessment to confirm
Remember, once an assessment is deleted, it is also removed from anyone the assessment is shared with and all student scores tied to the assessment.
Next Steps
Now learn how to apply assessment settings to make your building even easier with Advanced Settings with Flexible Assessments.