Description: This is an abstract for the Milestones Achievement Score reports. There is a By Subject version and an All Subjects version. These reports calculate the percentage of students in each Georgia Milestones performance level for ELA, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies, applies a weight to each level, and calculates an Overall Achievement Score. Report can show End of Grade or End of Course scores.
Purpose: This report shows the percentage of students in each Milestones performance level, applies a weight to each level, and calculates an Overall Achievement Score. The By Subject version does this for one selected subject. The All Subjects version combines all available subjects onto one page and provides a weighted Content Mastery score.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Milestones
Who is the intended audience?
Teachers, Administrators
What data is reported?
By Subject: Total number of students included in the report, number and percentage of students at each performance level, Overall Achievement Score, distance from next level via chart.
All Subjects: Percentage of students at each performance level for each subject with available data, Achievement Score for each subject, weighted Overall Content Mastery score.
How is the data reported?
Results are displayed as text. The By Subject version also includes a chart showing distance from next level and a chart showing Achievement Scores