In this lesson, you will learn how to log in, log out, and manage your DnA account and access your eduCLIMBER account.
Before you Get Started
To access eduCLIMBER through DnA, get logged into your DnA site. To learn more, visit Log In, Log Out, or Change Your Password.
Connect Your eduCLIMBER Account
- Select the eduCLIMBER icon on the top-right of your dashboard.
Open in a New Tab or Window Currently, when the eC icon is selected, it will open and replace where you are in DnA. If you wish to open your eduCLIMBER account and not replace your DnA page, hold CTRL or CMD and Click the eC icon to open it in a new tab or window within your internet browser.

Your eduCLIMBER instance will already be connected with DnA, but now you need to link your user account.
- Upon the first time logging into eduCLIMBER, you will be prompted to create a new password. It is recommended to use your same DnA password.
- Confirm the new password entered above.
- Select Update to confirm changes and connect your accounts.

- When you access your eduCLIMBER account, a message may appear from your District. If a message is available, you will need to read and confirm the message by selecting OK.

You have now successfully linked your DnA and eduCLIMBER accounts!
Back to DnA
At this time, getting back to DnA requires using the browser's back button or opening a new tab to enter and access your DnA account.
Do not log out of eduCLIMBER! You want to keep your accounts linked, so it is highly recommended to not log out, but rather go back or enter DnA in a new window or tab in your browser. If you log out of your eduCLIMBER account, you will have to reset and repeat the above steps.
Next Steps
Learn more about your eduCLIMBER tools by visiting the eduCLIMBER Help Center.