In this lesson, you will learn how to run a report to see overall marks students have in gradebooks with various filter options. This is one way of viewing gradebook scores outside of limitations from report card entry or posting/publishing.
Where to Start

1. Go to GradeBook
2. Select Grade Search
Student Options
You will see the Student Scope Selector load. Since section/schedule details are site-specific, you will want to run this report at the site instead of at the district.

1. Select the Site you are running this for
2. Select the Enrollment/Roster Date (defaults to your Control Panel date)
3. Select a Student Group Optional
4. Filter by Department, Courses, Teachers, Classes, or Students Optional
5. If you wish to apply Additional Filters, such as Student Programs, Grade Levels, English Proficiencies, Reported Race, Additional Student Group, Gender, Special Education, Socio-Economic, Counselors you can Optional
6. Enter a Lower Percentage Bound if you want to filter to gradebook scores above a particular value
7. Enter an Upper Percentage Bound if you want to filter to gradebook scores below a particular value
8. Select a Grading Period (Note: You may want to set your Control Panel to the desired site to see the specific grading periods at that site)
9. Select Rostering Active As Of (this allows you to only include gradebook scores from gradebooks are rostered in as of this date)
10. If you wish to Show Course Info, select Yes (defaults to No)
11. Click Run

Results will list the scores students have in their gradebooks based off the filters you used. This list could be exported to Excel, PDF, and more.