This lesson will review how to manage visibility of Student Lunch and Behavior data, or Sensitive student information.
Where to Start
- Go to the Admin Gear.
- Select Permissions.
- Load permissions for a user or group of users.
Within Manage Permissions only those that have been given these permissions (change to ‘Yes’) will have access to ‘lunch program details,’ ‘socio economically disadvantaged details’ and each area of Behavior Management
- To identify which Roles and Users the district has assigned any given permission, click on the (i) or information icon
- A student is considered "socioeconomically disadvantaged" if they meet one of following criteria:
- Neither of the student's parents has received a high school diploma
- The student is eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program
Based on the how the above permissions are applied, the following tools and features will be disabled or enabled:
- The “View Socio Economically Disadvantaged Details” and “View lunch program details for students” permissions will control what can be seen as shown above when in Search 2.0
The Sensitive Data section can be only be managed and enabled by your Customer Success Manager.
- Student SED status and Lunch Program may be displayed on the Demographic Details page; you can make role specific layouts that don’t include these fields (i.e. admin, teacher layout, )
Learn how to make layouts by visiting View and Edit a Student's Demographic Details
- By setting the “View Socio Economically Disadvantaged Details” to “No” sets the SED filter on the scope filter (reports, etc.) to not display.
- If the permission is set to “Yes”, then the filter is available and will use a combination of Lunch Status and Parent Education level to determine the student’s SED status (shown above)
If only the lunch status is available, and not the parent-education level, then it is possible for the lunch status to be easily determined by the SED field. Permissions can control whether the SED data is visible to the user.
To identify which Roles and Users can access School Lunch Program data when building a custom report, choose Mass Sharing>Data Categories and Student Lunch Programs. Share with district approved Roles and/or Users.
Learn how to manage and review your Custom Report Data by visiting Manage Custom Reporting Data for details.
If a user with permissions to build a custom report with this sensitive data shares the report with someone who does NOT have access to this data, the user that it is shared with WILL see the sensitive data.
The permissions listed above also control how what data is seen in the Data Dashboard widgets
Next Steps
To learn more about data, visit DnA: Data.