This lesson will review how to enter report card grades for multiple students for a single field or box on the Report Card.
Enter Grades by Field When you want to focus on all of your students in a single field like Comments or Work Habits. This allows you to see one piece of the report card for all of your students. This is especially helpful with tools like Fill-down, to make report card entry faster and more efficient.
Where to Start
This lesson begins assuming you have accessed your Report Card and filtered for students. For more information, visit the Elementary Report Card Grade Entry Overview.
Select a Field Group

- To enter by field group or area, go to the Entry by Field columns.
- Select the title of the single field you would like to enter grades for.
This screen is built by your team according to how your report card looks. The field you select is under a Field Group. For example, Overall Performance is under Reading. When selected, you are working on the Overall Performance Grade for Reading.
Enter Grades
When entering data using the Entry by Field option, you will only see the selected field:
- Use the options made available in each box or field to enter grades for the student.
- You can also use the Jump to links to move your screen to other Fields quickly
- Save along the way as you proceed entering grades.
Some data may already be populated! This means data have might be arranged to pre-populate from Custom Reports, Gradebooks, or other data from DnA as designed by your team.
Filldown Entry Tool
- Select a value to filldown.
- Select the Filldown option to mass enter grades for all students.
- The selected value will instantly filldown for all students.
- Select Save to save changes.
- Once applied, the grades will appear in bold and the Save button will be appear.
- Select Save to save changes.
Save and Publish
- Save as you are entering grades and making changes. It will highlight in bold when there are changes to be saved. A timestamp is also presented on the screen as to when the last save occurred.
- Publish is best used when you are completed with the student, before leaving the student entry screen or when done with entering grades for the time being. This also contributes to various audit reports and reporting.
Save or Publish? Both! Save, then Publish. Always.
Next Steps
Try out how to Enter Report Card Grades by Field Group.
Ready to print all of your report cards? Visit Print Report Cards for Teachers to get started!