In order to use student programs, you must first check with your System Admin to be sure that you have programs populated in the code table under Code Management.
Your System Admin will also need to confirm that you have the appropriate permissions to View, Add, Edit, and/or Delete programs.
If you need a program code entered, please contact your system admin.
System Admins please refer to the article Program Setup in the System Setup and Admin Management Manual.
Where to Start
1. Use the Navigation Bar and start entering the student whose programs you wish to view.
2. Select that student from the list that populates.
Editing and Deleting a Program
Use the Edit button to edit the setails of a current or past student program.
This screen will allow you to edit the details of a given program.
1. If a student is no longer in a program enter the last date they were in the program in End Date.
2. Once complete click the Save button to save your changes.
If you want to remove the record completely, proceed to the Deleting Programs step.
Next Steps
You might be interested in the Student Groups section to start using your student programs for grouping and reports.