This lesson will guide you through reviewing the department names from the courses.txt import for accuracy.
Before Validation
- Make sure to have imported the required data fields prior to reviewing by visiting the guide courses.txt Import.
- If you have any questions, please contact our Data Specialists by submitting a request.
- DnA Tools and features may require specific setup in order to reflect your data correctly.
Who Should Be Involved in this Validation?
The following person(s) should be part of the data accuracy review and validation process to ensure success of your data import process:
- DnA Data Lead
- District Secondary Education Lead
- Site Master Scheduler and Grade Leads
Accuracy and Validations to Review

1. Click on the Administration Gear, then Department Management.
2. Click on the dropdown to view your Department List. If there are Departments that are duplicates or inaccurate, you will need to adjust your courses.txt file and re-import.
Before you begin: Make sure you are signed in at the District Level (using your Control Panel).
1. Click Scheduling, then Course Details.
2. Once on the Course Details page, you will be able to search for all of your imported Courses. To see all courses, select All from the Is Active dropdown.
3. Click Search to generate the list of all courses that have successfully been imported.
4. At this time, it is good idea to check the total number of courses. If the total number of available courses exceeds 2,000, there might be an issue with the import unless your district actually has a course catalog of 2,000+.
5. Click the Excel icon to download the imported Course List.
6. In Excel, review the following:
- Course Names are accurate
- The appropriate Departments have been affiliated to the Course
- The Length is accurate
- The School Type is correct
If any errors exist, consult your courses.txt and make necessary adjustments to the extract, within your prior system, or directly to the courses.txt file.
Next Steps
Want to review your other data files for accuracy? See additional guides in the Data Validation Process manual.