This lesson will guide you through reviewing your mastschd.txt import for accuracy.
Before Validation
- Make sure to have imported the required data fields prior to reviewing by visiting the guide mastschd.txt Import
- If you have any questions, please contact our Data Specialists by submitting a request.
- DnA Tools and features may require specific setup in order to reflect your data correctly.
Who Should Be Involved in this Validation?
The following person(s) should be part of the data accuracy review and validation process to ensure success of your data import process:
- DnA Data Lead
- Site level-Elementary Front Office/Principal
- Site level-Secondary Master Scheduler i.e. Counselor, VP
Accuracy and Validations to Review
a. Review Sections Loaded into the Board
To begin validating the accuracy of your Master Schedule import, you should start with the Master Schedule Board. Remember, if roster.txt has not been brought over, no students will appear on the board.
1. Click Scheduling, then The Board.
2. Click the Toggle Board button.
3. A list of your teachers down the left hand side (y-axis) and timeblocks/periods across the top (x-axis). This will enable you to see all of your teachers sections and placement. Please compare your teacher section placement with your current SIS.
b. Verify Accuracy of Timeblocks and Student Placement
1. Click Scheduling, then The Board.
2. Click the Totals button.
3. This will pull you down to the bottom of the page where total students scheduled by grade and period will appear. Please compare these numbers with the numbers from your current SIS.
1. Click Scheduling, then Live Sections.
2. Use the Teacher ID Filter dropdown to find the teacher(s) who are actively co-teaching / job-share.
3. Click Submit.
4. Click on the Edit icon to view the section.
5. Click Edit Teachers.
6. This will enable you to view to see if both users are set as Teachers for the section. Only one teacher can be set as Primary for reporting purposes.
Next Steps
Want to review your other data files for accuracy? See additional guides in the Data Validation Process manual.