This lesson will guide you through reviewing your programs.txt import for accuracy.
Before Validation
- Make sure to have imported the required data fields prior to reviewing by visiting the guide programs.txt Import.
- If you have any questions, please contact our Data Specialists by submitting a request.
- DnA Tools and features may require specific setup in order to reflect your data correctly.
Who Should Be Involved in this Validation?
The following person(s) should be part of the data accuracy review and validation process to ensure success of your data import process:
- DnA Data Lead
- District CALPADS personnel
- Site Data Entry personnel
Accuracy and Validations to Review
In DnA , certain programs as tracked in other SISs and in CALPADs are actually tracked separately from programs in DnA . These programs are typically tracked in a module specific to the program. For example, Special Ed is not brought in as a program as all relevant data can and should be tracked via the Specialed.txt and module. Below are programs that SHOULD NOT be brought over as part of the programs.txt file. Please note, DnA is designed to pull these programs from the corresponding module for CALPADs and Federal reporting.

- To view Special Education information, click the Spec Ed tab.
- To view the total number of SPED students, click Students, then Search 2.0.
- Under Advanced Demographics, use the dropdown to select Student Is Special Ed? is true.
- Click Search.
- A list of students tagged as SPED will populate.

- To view Language information, click the Language tab to review your EL students.
- To view the total number of EL students, click Students, then Search 2.0.
- Under Language, use the dropdown to select English Proficiency > English Learner.
- Click Search.
- A list of students tagged as EL will populate.
- To view the total number of TK students, click Students, then Search 2.0.
- Select TK in the Grade Level filters.
- Click Search.
- A list of students tagged as TK will populate.
5. Click the Administration Gear, then Code Management.
6. Type Student Programs into the dropdown, then click Load.
7. Verify that there is no code for TK in the list of program codes.
Other common errors with the programs.txt file occur due to program Start and End Dates. It is important to remember if a program has a start and end date, those should be brought over. Otherwise, errors will occur during your first CALPADs reporting.
Similarly, it is important to bring over the appropriate Academic Year for the program so as not to incorrectly associate the program with the wrong year.
Next Steps
Want to review your other data files for accuracy? See additional guides in the Data Validation Process manual.