Setting up a Google service account is required for an external application to edit data in any G-Suite application. Here, we show the steps specifically to open up permissions to to Google Classroom
Basic Tips
Make sure to check the following:
- The user you’re logged into DnA with has the exact same email address (not username) as the G-Suite admin account. Assure the cases are the same as well, just in case.
- You’ve turned on the Developers Console (Step 5)
- You’ve enabled G-Suite Domain-Wide delegation in step 9 > 1 > 5
- Assure that all the API scopes are listed from step 10, and that there are no space or odd return characters.
- If none of these work, try going into your DnA account and edit your profile, simply clicking “save” to resave the current information. There might be an odd hidden character in your email address.
- If you still have problems, please contact your customer support manager. We appreciate your patience as we make our way through some changes on the Google administration pages.
Before getting started, the G-Suite Education Administrator and DnA Account must have matching email addresses.
- Visit the DnA User Account details in User Management to verify the email address, check for spaces before or after the email, etc.
- Log out of all Google accounts and make sure to log in as the G-Suite Education Admin
G Suite Admin Console
In Step 6, there is an option to create and name a project. There is a foldable space to Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegration. This needs to be checked, which should do so as part of the process but if it is not checked, the integration will not work.
Note and copy the Client ID for a later step, which typically only includes numbers.
As a final step, there will be a list of API Scopes that require copy/paste into the G Suite Admin console. Make sure to:
- Not copy additional spaces before or after each API scope
- Copy/Paste one at a time
Next Steps
Begin the process by visiting Google Classroom Configuration for System Admin.
For detailed instructions on how to navigate the G-Suite Admin console, visit Google Classroom Integration Directions for System Admin.