This lesson will guide you through setting up the DnA & Skyward SMS Gradebook integration. This is useful for teachers who need to push DnA assessment scores to their Skyward SMS Gradebooks.
This integration is for the Skyward SMS product only. DnA does not have an integration with Qmlativ at this time.
Required Permissions: Manage Third Party Integrations for System Admin and
Enable Skyward Gradebook Integration for Teachers.
Before You Begin
You will need to contact Skyward to provide you with the following information:
- Integration Base URL.
- Integration User Name.
- Integration Password.
Where to Start
- Select the Administration Gear.
- Under Other, select Integrations.
1. Find your integration - in this case, Skyward Gradebook - and select View.
- Select the Consortium/District/Site level to set the integration for.
- Enter your Base URL.
- Enter your User Name.
- Enter your Password.
- Select the Skyward Student Field to map the data between DnA and Skyward. Skyward identifiers available:
- Name ID
- Username
- School Email
- Home Email
- Display ID
- State ID
- Select the DnA Student Field to map the data between DnA and Skyward. DnA identifiers available:
- Import Student ID
- Username
- Local Student ID
- State Student ID
- Click Save Integration. You will receive a success message and all information entered here will be saved on this page.
- You can also select Test Integration to ensure the integration information is available and can connect prior to saving.
Teacher Mapping Information
Teacher accounts are mapped by email address by default. If matching by email address fails, the system will attempt to map by Skyward username or employeeId fields to the DnA local_user_id field.
To view all configured integrations, click Configured Integrations. This will also allow you to download a log of each time an integration has been added/removed.
Teacher users or those who are using DnA Assessments and want to push assessment scores into their Skyward Gradebooks, will need the above permission in order to do so.
Visit Add or Edit Permissions to review how.
Next Steps
Now that the integration is setup, visit Push Assessment Results to Skyward Gradebooks to review your Teachers' next steps.