In this lesson you will learn how to view and manage charts in the Chart List.
Before You Get Started
In order to manage chart(s) in the Chart List, make sure to have the following:
- At least (1) completed Custom Report
- Goal in mind of how you want to see the data from the Custom Report to the Chart
- Have at least (1) chart attached to a Custom Report
Where to Start
- When in a Custom Report, select the Charts tab.
- The five most recent charts will be listed in the menu for quick and easy access.
- To see a complete list of all charts attached to this report, select Chart List.
Chart List Overview
All charts that have been made by the report author are listed here.
- Click the title to open the chart.
- Description or more information about the chart will display if provided.
- The chart author will be shown.
- To see when the chart was created, look under Created Date.
- Additional Actions such as Edit and Delete are available.
- Got a lot of charts? Use this Search Bar to find them easier.
- Use export tools such as MS Excel, Adobe PDF, Word Processing, and More... to print/download a complete list.
Open a Chart
- Select the title of a graph to open it from the list or the Most Recent menu.
- For those with author or edit access to the report, the chart will appear with all of the tools and settings to continue to modify, change, and edit the chart. Even to add new charts.
- To those with view only access to the custom report, they will have view only access to the attached charts, with limited tools available.
Delete a Chart
- Select the title of a graph to open it from the most recent list, or
- Select Chart List > Select Delete for the chart to remove permanently from the report.
- To confirm deleting this chart, which is permanent, select OK.
- To go back, select Cancel.
- A successful green banner will appear at the top of the page.
Only Custom Report Authors or those with permission to Delete are able to see these options and delete charts.
Next Steps
Ready to learn more? Visit Charts to get started.