In this lesson you will learn how to export, or download, a chart into various formats.
Before You Get Started
In order to add a chart, make sure to have the following:
- At least (1) completed Custom Report with an attached chart
Where to Start
Once a chart has been saved, additional settings are available.
- Select Export to get started.
Export Options
When exporting or downloading a chart, you have three options to choose from:
- Select PDF to download an Adobe PDF file onto your computer.
- Confirm the image size (px or pixels).
- Select Export to download the file.
- Based on your device settings, the file should download and be available to open as an Adobe PDF file.
- Select Image (PNG) to download a Portable Graphics Format image of the chart.
- Confirm the image size (px or pixels).
- Select Export to download the file.
- Based on your device settings, the file should download and be available to open as an image file.
What is a PNG file? This file format is an open format with no copyright limitations and has the ability to display a transparent background, which is great for using in presentations and layering with other objects.
- Select Image (SVG) to download a Scalable Vector Graphics image of the chart.
- Confirm the image size (px or pixels).
- Select Export to download the file.
What is a SVG image? It is an XML-based vector image format with support for interactivity and animation. This image file would be best if used for animation, interactive videos, etc.
Next Steps
Ready to learn more? Visit Charts to get started.
Review how to manage your charts by visiting Manage Charts with Chart List.