This lesson will guide you through the rollover process for parent portal accounts in DnA. You can review this process at the beginning of each new academic year to ensure new parents have portal access.
Where to Start
This lesson assumes you have used the parent portal in the previous academic year. Please see the guide Importing Parent Portal Accounts (for DnA Users) if this is your first year setting up parent portal accounts.
Option 1: parent_portal_accounts.txt Import
1. Create and import a parent_portal_accounts.txt file with new parent accounts only. Make sure existing parents are not included or duplicate accounts will be created.
2. Import your file via the Core Data Import & Validation Page.
To review the file format and import process, reference Sections 2 and 3 under "Option 1: parent_portal_accounts.txt Import" on the guide Importing Parent Portal Accounts (for DnA Users).
3. Access Keys are immediately available on the Manage Parents page.
The file can be automated and imported daily IF all parents/guardians have an email address within the file.
Parent portal accounts cannot be deleted en masse. Please double-check that your parent_portal_accounts.txt file contains the correct information before processing an import.
To delete all parent portal accounts to start over for the upcoming year, please send your mass deletion request to the Support Team by submitting a request.
Option 2: contacts.txt Import
1. Create and import a contacts.txt file with new parent accounts only. Make sure existing parents are not included or existing access keys will be wiped.
2. Access keys need to be manually assigned to all new parents who need portal access. To review this process, see the steps listed below.
Parent portal access keys can be mass assigned if you would like to wipe all existing accounts and start over. Submit a request to the Support Team and include your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Your CSM will mass create your new parent portal access keys once the old accounts have been deleted.
Next Steps
To learn more about the DnA Home Connection Portal set up, see the guides under Parent Portal for DNA.