In this lesson you will review how to structure and provide the studemo.txt file to successfully be pulled from the Michigan Data Hub.
The column order structured below, is the order that the column should be in your Core Data configuration.
Field | Order | Data Hub Endpoint | Data Hub Field | Notes |
Import Student ID | 1 | students | studentUniqueID | |
State Student ID | 2 | students | studentUniqueID | |
Student Last Name | 3 | students | lastSurname |
Student First Name | 4 | students | firstName | |
Student Middle Name | 5 | students | middleName | |
Birth Date | 6 | students | birthDate | |
Gender | 7 | students | sexType | |
Race Code 1 | 8 | students | races: [{raceType}] |
Race Code 2 | 9 | students | races: [{raceType}] |
Race Code 3 | 10 | students | races: [{raceType}] |
Is Hispanic? | 11 | students | hispanicLatinoEthnicity |
Primary Language Code | 12 | students | languages:[languageDescriptor] |
An individual languageDescriptor may have several uses associated to it. If there is a lnaugageDescriptor with the useType "5" (Dominant Language) that should be placed here. A list of language use types and their description can be retrieved from the endpoint /languageUseTypes |
Correspondence Language Code | 13 | students | languages:[languageDescriptor] |
An individual languageDescriptor may have several uses associated to it. If there is a lnaugageDescriptor with the useType "4" (Correspondence Language) that should be placed here. A list of language use types and their description can be retrieved from the endpoint /languageUseTypes |
English Proficiency/Language Fluency Code |
14 | students | limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor |
Redesignation Date |
NI | |||
Primary Disability Code |
15 | students | disabiliities[{disabilityDescriptor}] |
If there are multiple disabilities, use the disability descriptor that has an "orderOfDisability" = 1. |
Migrant Ed Student ID | NI | |||
English Learner/LEP Date | NI | |||
US Entry Date | 16 | students | dateEnteredUS | |
School Entry Date |
NI |
District Entry Date |
NI |
Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level |
NI |
Residential Status | NI | |||
Special Needs Status | 17 | students | characteristics [{descriptor}] |
If there is a characteristic descriptor = Single Parent this should be 1 Else If there is a characteristic descriptor = Displaced Homemaker this should be 2 Else 0 |
SST Date |
NI |
504 Accommodations |
NI |
504 Annual Review Date |
NI |
Special Ed Exit Date |
NI |
Birth City | 18 | students | birthCity | |
Birth State | 19 | students | birthStateAbbreviationType | |
Birth Country | 20 | students | birthCountryDescriptor | |
Lunch ID |
NI |
Academic Year | 21 | This is set by the year selected in the API Credentials |
Student Name Suffix | 22 | students | generationCodeSuffix |
Student Last Name Alias | 23 | students | otherNames [{lastSurname}] |
Student First Name Alias | 24 | students | otherNames [{firstName}] |
Student Middle Name Alias | 25 | students | otherNames [{middleName}] |
Student Name Suffix Alias | 26 | students | otherNames [{generationCodeSuffix}] |
Lunch Balance |
NI |
ISE Operating District ID |
NI |
ISE Operating Site ID |
NI |
ISE Resident LEA Code | NI | |||
Birth Date Verification Method |
NI |
Homeless Dwelling Type |
NI |
Photo Release |
NI |
Military Recruitment |
NI |
Internet Use Release |
NI |
Graduation Date |
NI |
Graduation/Completion |
NI |
Graduations Service Learning Hours |
NI |
US Citizen Born Abroad |
NI |
Military Family | 27 | students | characteristics [{descriptor}] |
If there is a characteristic descriptor = Parent in Military then this should be true. |
Home Address Verification Date | NI | |||
Special Ed Enter Date |
NI |
Secondary Disability Code ID | 28 | students | disabiliities[{disabilityDescriptor}] |
If there are multiple disabilities, use the disability descriptor that has an "orderOfDisability" = 2. |
State School Entry Date |
NI |
US School Entry Date |
NI |
District Student ID | 29 | students | identificationCodes: [{identificationCode}] |
This should be the identification code that has an assigning organization equal to the district id. |
School Student ID |
NI |
Other Student ID |
NI |
Graduation Requirement Years | 30 | students | cohortYears: [{schoolYearTypeReference: {scholYear}] |
Next School |
NI |
Prior District |
NI |
Prior School |
NI |
NI means that this field is not currently supported for importing from the Data Hub.
Next Steps
Now that you have configured the Studemo.txt file, let's visit Enrollment.txt.