This lesson will walk you through scanning students responses with Lightning Grader! LiG is a fast, easy way to scan student responses and determine their performance. On the Fly is a powerful tool to help you get more information about your students' needs quickly or formatively. Whether or not you save that data is up to you, but in the moment as an Exit Ticket, Classroom Game, or anything you want to collect and assess, to promote your students' success!
Where to Start
- Go to Assessments.
- Select Create a New Assessment
Create an On The Fly Assessment
- Select On The Fly.
- Enter the number of questions.
- Select Create to continue.
Visit Print Generic Answer Sheets to learn how to print sheets for the answer key and students.
Scan or Enter Your Answer Key
- Scan or Enter an answer key as desired.
- Select Scan Student Responses to get started!
For On The Fly assessments, your answer key will be more simple and quick-to-grade, relying more on auto or computer graded functionality. For more advanced item types, it is better to create a Manual/Hybrid or Flexible Assessment ahead of time for advanced scoring features and options.
By default, the Teacher View begins collecting student responses as they scan.
- Student scores appear as they are scanned.
- You can select Details to view more information about their responses. Selecting the Zoom icon will expand the details.
Teacher Mode can be for instances when you are monitoring scanning at your desk or a particular area and want to see student responses listed as shown above. Selecting Show under Incorrect Responses will give an instant Student Response Summary of both correct and incorrect answers.
Student Mode is great for instant student feedback at a station or scanning area. Students can clear their answers before leaving by pressing Enter to clear the screen. Notice if there are rubric or teacher-graded items, it tells the student that additional work needs to be reviewed by the teacher.
Return to Teacher Mode to continue and see final results after all students have scanned their answers.
Additional Options
- Select Push to Gradebook.
- Select the Gradebook and enter the Assignment Name.
- Once Save is selected, the score will be transfered instantly as an assignment in the selected Gradebook.
Once you exit the assessment however, the scores will only be within the Gradebook assignment created.
Next Steps
Now that you have scanned On the Fly, learn how to create and administer other assessments such as Flexible Assessments.
Review other administration options by visiting Online Testing Administration Options.