This lesson reviews how to upload, manage, and delete materials in a an assessment.
Only the assessment author or a user with edit permission can upload and attach materials to the assessment.
Where to Start
- Select Upload Materials.
When accessing an existing assessment, click Edit to access the Answer Key and upload a material.
Only PDF materials are supported as attachments.
Upload Materials
Attach materials for students to use online or to attach to this assessment in three ways:
- Select and choose the Google Account to attach materials from.
- Choose a file or files from your Google Drive.
- Choose Select to confirm chosen materials.
- Select materials will be converted to a PDF view. Therefore, any changes made to the document will not be updated in the assessment. Select OK to continue.
- Don't want to see this message again? Select the checkbox to remove it.
- Once successfully uploaded, you will receive a message confirming the material has been attached.
- List of Materials will provide the item to preview, download, or remove.
Acceptable file types such as Google documents will automatically be converted into PDF documents.
Changes made to any Google documents attached will not be reflected. In order to update materials, you will need to remove attached materials and reattach accordingly.
- Select From My Computer to choose a file from a desktop or device.
- Select and find the file, confirming by selecting Open.
- Once successfully uploaded, a message confirming the material has been attached will appear.
- List of Materials will provide the item to preview, download, or remove.
Acceptable file types that can be uploaded as a material are Word, PDF, and PowerPoint.
Acceptable file types that can be uploaded as a material are Word, PDF, and PowerPoint.
- Click-drag-drop a file from a desktop or device into this area here.
- Once successfully uploaded, a message confirming the material has been attached will appear.
- List of Materials will provide the item to preview, download, or remove.
Manage Materials
- A list of all materials will be available within Upload Materials.
- For online testing, make sure to have 1 materials selected as a Student Assessment.
- To preview the materials, select the eye icon or Preview.
- Select download to generate a new file for this materials onto your device.
- Use the trash can icon to Delete a material.
Changes made to any Google documents attached will not be reflected automatically. In order to update materials, you will need to remove attached materials and reattach accordingly.
Next Steps
Ready to see what's next? Try to Add Personalized Review Assignment (PRA) Resources to this assessment.