This lesson will review how to conduct and experience the Student Preview mode of assigned PRAs.
Personalized Review Assignment tools and features only work with Flexible and Item Bank assessments at this time.
Please make sure to have:
- At least 1 Flexible or Item Bank assessment available
- Permission to administer assessments online
- Standards aligned to at least 1 question on the assessment
- At least 1 PRA previously assigned to an assessment
Where to Start
From within the selected assessment's PRA Overview, select Student Preview to experience a student view of the assigned PRAs.
Student Assignments Overview
The Student Preview will open in a new tab for a student who has not mastered the content.
- A message will appear to alert the student to get started and how many activities are required to complete.
- A target star score is listed on top for the student achieve.
- The student is assigned an avatar of their very own.
- Select OK to begin.
Begin Student Activities
- The first activity and designated skill or standard will appear on the screen, displaying the student's assessment results.
- The student's avatar will dance along with their progress. Once the student completes the first activity, the avatar moves to the next activity as assigned.
- The first standard or skill is defaulted as the lowest performing first.
- An activity timer will appear and begin.
- The ability to Skip is a preview mode feature so you don't have to watch the resources as you preview. Don't worry! Students won't see that skip option.
- After completing the Activity, rate how helpful the resource was to continue.
If there are multiple Activities, Stars will be awarded and then students will be prompted to begin the next Activity.
Complete Activities
- Star Scores will increase dependent on answer choices, time, level of difficulty, etc.
- When all required activities are complete, a celebratory pop-up message will display. Select OK to close.
- Click Done to exit the Student Preview.
Next Steps
Visit Online Testing for Teachers for administration options in your classroom.
Ready to see your students PRA data and feedback? Visit Individual PRA Stats by Class or Students to learn more.