Where to Start
To access WIDA go to Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume".
Select IEP WIDA Assessment from the Wizard.
1. Select Yes if the student is eligible as an English language learner OR select No if the student is not eligible.
1. Select the appropriate WIDA assessment for the student. NOTE: If you select WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs you will need to add a Rationale Statement as to why the student requires the alternate assessment.
1. Select accommodation(s) as appropriate. NOTE: Accommodation(s) will only appear IF they have been added as a supplemental aid/service.
1. Select Next or Save to continue on the next section, Transportation.
You are now ready to complete the Transportation section of the IEP.
For more information on Transportation see the,"Transportation"lesson in this manual.
Note: Clicking Next or Save will cause the system to automatically save your data.