In this lesson you will learn how to setup Instructional Minutes Tracking for any user who will need to enter intervention data which includes selecting programs, add students to programs, and log sessions.
Where to Start

- Click the Admin Gear.
- Under Other, select Code Management.
Intervention Custom Fields

Search for "Intervention" in the Select a Code Table menu and select Intervention Custom Fields. Click Load to preview the available codes before adding unnecessary or duplicate codes. Intervention Custom Fields would include but not limited to Before/After School Program, LCAP 1 - Low Income, Pull-Out Program, etc. There are no inherited or provided Custom Fields for Intervention. Custom Fields must be created.
1. Select Add Code to create a custom field for Intervention
2. Enter Code Key, or label
3. Type a Code Translation or Title for the custom field
4. Provide a Code Category if applicable
5. Select the District to apply for all sites. For specific sites, select sites if applicable.
*State ID and Sort Order are optional
Intervention Flags
Search for "Intervention" in the Select a Code Table menu and select Intervention Flags. Click Load to preview the available codes before adding unnecessary or duplicate codes. Intervention Flags would include but not limited to Did Not Receive Intervention and Received Instruction, which are inherited or provided flags. If additional flags are needed, conduct the following:
1. Select Add Code to create a Intervention Flag
2. Enter Code Key, or label
3. Type a Code Translation or Title for the flag
4. Provide a Code Category if applicable
5. Select the District to apply for all sites. For specific sites, select sites if applicable.
*State ID and Sort Order are optional; Received Intervention is defaulted to Yes/True
Student Programs

Search for "Student Programs" in the Select a Code Table menu and select Student Programs. Click Load to preview the available codes before adding unnecessary or duplicate codes. Student Programs would include but not limited to Math Intervention, RTI ELA Interventions, CAHSEE Support, etc. There are no inherited Student Programs and all programs must be given the Program Type 'Intervention'.
1. Select Add Code to create a Student Program
2. Enter Code Key, or label (Code keys can be alpha or numerical values)
3. Type a Code Translation or Title for the flag
4. Assign the Program Type 'Intervention' in order for the program to be an option within the Intervention module
5. Select the District to apply for all sites. For specific sites, select sites if applicable.
*State ID and Sort Order are optional
Next Steps
To learn more, visit Create Instructional Minutes Tracking Group.