Description: This is an abstract for the LA: College and Career Readiness Student Roster, which lists each student's performance on the ACT and Work Keys assessments. This report utilizes the same logic the state accountability system to determine a student's index score.
Purpose: This report combs through the state imports to identify the highest performance for each student on the Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Docs of the Work Keys assessment and the highest composite score on the ACT assessment. Using state accountability logic, this report uses the above information to determine a student's index score. Additional data points are made available for insight into each student's number of attempts and most recent test date for the respective assessments.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > LA: College and Career Readiness Student Roster Report

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators
What data is reported?
Student Identifiers include name, ID, site, date of birth, and grade. Each student's highest composite score on the ACT, its corresponding test date, the overall number of attempts, and potential index score pertaining to that performance. Similarly, each student's highest score performance on Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Docs of the Work Keys assessment as well as the date in which that score was earned. Using all available fields, the summary column reports the index score the student received according to the state accountability logic.
How is the data reported?
This report uses the 'Group Students By' feature to give users a choice as to how they wish to group students on the report. Grouping options include: Comprehensive (all students selected), Site, Grade Level, Course, Teacher, or Section. This report may also be sorted in an ascending/descending order by any index score or alphabetically by student name.