Description: This is an abstract for the CORE SEL Survey Roster Report, which summarizes individual responses provided in the Illuminate Itembank created CORE SEL Survey assessments.
Purpose: This report summarizes response by a selected group and that group's individual responses to identify trends in social-emotional learning.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > CORE SEL Survey
Please do not change the CORE SEL assessments, including the title or question groups. Doing so will disable the prebuilt reports used to view this data.

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers, Administrators
What data is reported?
Count of students tested, percent of students that responded favorably (blue and green) in each category, overall performance by status, student name, student ID, grade level, Special Ed status, Gate status, English proficiency, reported race, and each student's category score.
How is the data reported?
Display of overall percent of students who responded positively in each category, vertical bar graphs displaying Performance by Status, and a table of students with demographic information and status per category.