This lesson will guide you through the options of using DnA's proctoring tools for online assessments.
Where to Start
This lesson begins assuming you have accessed Live Proctoring on an assessment. To learn more, visit Live Proctoring.
Live Proctoring Tools
The Pacing Mode, Pause Assessment, and Force Finish Assessment options only appear for the roster creator.
If a district roster is set up, teachers cannot pace, pause, or force finish the assessment for the entire district.
You can find assessment tools by clicking on the list button in the upper right corner of the screen. Proctoring gives you the teacher access to:
Assessment Features:
- Set Pacing Mode - This locks the current question for students. They only see the question you selected on their screen and they cannot move forward or backwards within the assessment. Note: Pacing Mode is only available for Item Bank assessments at this time.
- Set Reveal Mode - If enabled, you will see color coded (correct/incorrect) boxes on screen. If disabled, only grey checkboxes will display. If enabled, the Reveal Mode icon will appear at the top of the Live Proctoring dashboard to enable and disable as needed without having to access the tools panel.
- Set Answer Hide Mode - This allows you to see color coded (correct/incorrect) boxes on screen, but with no answer choice displayed within them.
- Enable Student Help Mode - This allows students to alert you when assistance is needed during administration.
Assessment Actions:
- Force finish ends the assessment immediately.
- Switch Administration allows you to switch to a different online testing administration for the same test without leaving live proctoring.
GoTo Links:
- List All Administrations will take you back to the list of all administrations.
- View a Student List for this administration.
- View Aggregate View displays by question, student progress, % correct, # correct, # incorrect, and a breakdown of responses.
- Access help documents by selecting Read Help Docs.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned all about monitoring student testing, take a look at Grading Constructed Response Items from an Online Test to get started evaluating students' work!