This lesson will show you an overview of the Student Group List and Student Group Details pages.
Where to Start

- Click Students.
- Under the General section, select Student Groups.
Student Group List Overview

- You will see all student groups you have access to (i.e., student groups you created and/or that have been shared with you).
- Each Group Name will appear in the list. If you click on a group name, it will take you to the Student Group Details page.
- Copy or Duplicate a student group.
- Share the student group with others if they need access to them.
- To permanently remove a student group, select Delete.
- Print the student group list at anytime using the Print Options.
- Use the Search tool to find student groups quickly.
- Click Create Group if you want to add a new student group to this list.
These headers are sortable, meaning you can click on them to sort ascending or descending.
Student Group Details Overview
- To see a list of all student groups created select Group List.
- To edit or change the title, click in the field Group Name.
- Visibility Group? allows you to adjust your entire view of DnA tools and reports to only look at the students in this group. This makes the Student Group available in the Control Panel, in your student scope selector on assessments and reports, or in a custom report.
- Organizations that also use eduCLIMBER will have the option to use link the group as a Student Tag in eduCLIMBER. Visit Link Student Group to eduCLIMBER Student Tag for more information.
- Use these options to add students to the group.
- Use the available Print Options at any time to print a list of student groups.
- The Summary shows how the group is created or which students make up the student group.
Use a Student Group

To utilize a Student Group in modules throughout the system, like Search 2.0 and Live Proctoring:
- Select the Control Panel in the top right hand corner.
- Select a Student Group from the dropdown menu from the list of available groups.
- Select Save Changes to only see students in the selected group.
Only Student Groups with Visibility Group? set to Yes display in the list of available groups.
Next Steps
Learn the details of creating a Student Group by visiting Create a Student Group.