This article covered Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Rosters in an DnA Gradebook.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This feature will mostly be used by teachers in elementary schools where students move between different teachers based on ability or subject.
For example, Clyde Rankin is rostered to Mrs. Smith but goes to Mr. Pinkman for English/History and Mr. Heisenberg for Science/Math. Mr. Pinkman and Mr. Heisenberg both need to enter GradeBook scores for Clyde and share those scores with Mrs. Smith who will use them to fill out Clyde's report card. That is just one example of how this feature can be utilized.
No. We never remove student GradeBook data. If a user accidentally removes a student, they simply need to add them back in (with the original start date) and the student's GradeBook data will re-appear.
You do this just like you would if a student left a regular section, via Filters > Edit Filters page. Learn more about using Filters in our Create, Enable and Disable GradeBook Filters lesson.
Select GradeBook > My GradeBooks > GradeBook List > Details > By Student.
Currently, students must be linked to gradebook via section in order for the grades to reflect in the Portal.The teacher can share the Gradebook with Portal and the Gradebook title will display in Portal, but no grades will display in Portal until the student-rostered section has been linked via Setup > Details.
Next Steps
To learn more about custom rosters in Gradebook, visit Add Custom Rosters to Gradebooks.