This lesson will cover how the sharing hierarchy operates throughout DnA.
Where to Start
Sharing is accessible in multiple areas of DnA including Assessments, Student Groups, Reports, and more.
Sharing Hierarchy
The sharing hierarchy functions from the bottom up. Sharing will be based on the most specific sharing level a user falls under.
- User is the most specific sharing level so it will superceed any other sharing levels
- Everyone is the least specific sharing level and any other option setup will overwrite permissions set for Everyone.
Sharing options are permission based, not all users will having all options shown.
This assessment has been shared at 3 levels:
- Everyone has access to View the assessment
- A Grade Level (3rd Grade) has access to View and Administer the assessment
- A User (Jason Milano, 3rd grade teacher) has access to View, Administer, and Edit the assessment
Jason is a 3rd Grade Teacher so he falls under all 3 levels of sharing that the assessment was shared to him. Since User is the most specific sharing level, he has access to View, Administer, and Edit the assessment.
Next Steps
Now that you understand how the sharing hierarchy works, learn more about Sharing.