This lesson will walk you through scanning students responses into an existing assessment.
Where to Start
- Go to Assessments.
- Click View Assessments.
- Select the title of an assessment.
Scan Student Responses
Have students scan or start scanning using your camera! Once all the points of validation are highlighed green, the student's record will appear on the righthand side.
By default, the Teacher View begins collecting student responses as they scan.
Notice the Correct, Percent Correct, and Incorrect Responses are all available On the Fly, as student answers are being recorded.
Teacher View is for instances when you are monitoring scanning at your desk or a particular area and want to see student responses listed like the above. Selecting Show under Incorrect Responses will give an instant Student Response Summary of both correct and incorrect answers.
Save & View Results
After student responses have been scanned, you can select Save & View Results at anytime. This page remains in scanning mode, but gives a variety of instant data to analyze and enjoy!
Answer Sheets scanned thus far can give an Overall Performance summary, based on the Number of Students scanned and the District Default Performance Band.
The Score Distribution report will provide a quick student list with Student ID, Name, Score, and %Correct, as scanned thus far.
Within the View Report On dropdown, is a Response Frequency report to see scanned results and distribution of answer choices thus far.
This report also shows each available answer choice based on the Answer Key in Step 1, any multiple or blank answer choices students may have scanned, the total number correct, incorrect, and a final % Correct graph.
Next Steps
Have items that need your review or grading? Visit Enter and Edit Student Responses Manually in Flexible Assessments to learn how.