This article will walk through how to access and complete a contact log for an Early On child.
Navigate to the IFSP Student Contact Log Page by either:
1. Use Quick Search (CTRL + K or CMD + K for Mac users) to open up the Quick Search. Within the Quick Search text area begin typing IFSP Student Contact Log and select this from the dropdown.
2. Go to the Special Education Module and then select IFSP Student Contact Log under the Process Heading.
NOTE: If you do not already have a student within the Student Ribbon area you will be directed to the Search Feature first.
1. Enter the log information within the text area provided.
2. Select the Date the log occurred.
3. Select the Start Time that the Log type began.
4. Select the Type of Log entry.
5. Select the role/type of service that performed the log activity.
6. Enter the total number of minutes for the log type.
7. If the log type is a service AND it that was provided based on what is within the most current IFSP (such as occupational therapy, special instruction, etc.) then select YES in response to, This service counts towards Frequency for MSDS reporting. If you provided any other type of log (such as a phone call, email, mailing, etc.) then select No.
8. Select Save Log.
Note: Any field with a red asterisk requires data in order to save the log.
The Student Contact Log Table will display all logs that have been entered for a student.
1. To download a PDF, Excel etc. of the data displaying for the Student, select the appropriate option.
2. Select the Pencil Icon to edit the Student Log (Note: This is permission based) . Select the Minus Sign Icon to delete the Student Log (Note: This is permission based). To download a PDF of the log itself select the Printer Icon. (Note: This is permission based.)
3. Data will only display for the following columns (Service Type, Number of minutes of service provided and This Service counts towards Frequency for MSDS Reporting) if the IFSP Student Contact Log has been entered after June 16, 2020.