The Goals Page has two areas: 1) The Long Term Goal and 2) The Measurable Outcome Goals. You will need to a Long Term Goal and at least one Measurable Outcome Goal in order to publish the Plan of Care (POC).
1. Enter the date of the Long Term Goal(s).
2. Enter the Long Term Goal(s) for the student that demonstrate when the student will no longer show a need for the Plan of Care.
3. To add a Measurable Outcome Goal select the blue hyperlink and a pop up screen will now be displayed.

1. Enter the Measurable Time-Related Goal that will assist the student in reaching the Long Term Goal.
2. Enter the plan for reaching the goal (such as strategies, resources, tools, etc.).
3. Enter the Assessment Method/Tool that will be used to evaluate progress on the Measurable Time-Related Goal.
4. Select the Criterion (such as percent, achievement level) that will be used when monitoring progress on the Measurable Time-Related Goal. NOTE: If Other is selected the text box just below Please specify area will be open to type the Criterion.
5. Select the Time Frame (such as three months, 12 months, etc.) for when the Measurable Time-Related Goal is expected to be reached. NOTE: If Other is selected the text box just below Please specify area will be open to type the Time Frame.
6. Select Save.
1. To add additional Time-Related Measurable Goals select the Add Measurable Outcome blue hyperlink.
2. Once all of the data has been entered select Save.
3. To add/delete a Measurable Time-Related Goal select the pencil or minus sign.