Description: The DnA Data Validation report multi-page report provides a district wide breakdown of students in different demographic categories.
Purpose: The DnA Data Validation report provides DnA districts with a way to verify data imports against their student information system for data integrity.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt Reports > DnA Data Validation
The report is accessible by any user with the System Admin role. The data in the report is NOT filtered/hidden by the users visibility. If a user is restricted to one building normally but still has System Admin role, the user can see ALL the data in the report, not just the data for their building.

Who is the intended audience?
What data is reported?
This multi-page report provides % of students by race, primary language, SPED status, English proficiency, overall counts by site, count of rostered users, and student samples of several categories.
How is the data reported?
The first page displays donut graphs with the breakdown of % of students by race, primary language, SPED status, and English proficiency. Subsequent pages provide tabled information including demographic information by site, count of rostered users by site, and samples of students that fall into demographic categories.