This lesson provides a detailed walk-through for users who wish to create, edit, and/or delete Provider Groups. For additional information about managing a provider's case load, see the "Case Load Management" chapter in this manual.
For ISE Only Users select Medicaid -> Provider Case Load .
For Multi-product Users (DnA and ISE, ISE and ISI, etc.) select Special Ed -> Provider Case Load.
Note: Based on a user's permissions, additional links may be available. For those users with limited permissions, simply clicking Provider Case Load will open the Provider Case Load screen.
1. Utilize filter options to narrow search. Enter a few letters up to an entire Last Name, First Name, Role, and/or Site.
2. Click the Search button.
Note: Depending on the search specificity more than one Provider may appear. See the next step for information on how to Choose a Provider. In most cases, the Choose a Provider screen will not be available. Unless you are an administrator or have special permissions, you may only have access to your own Case Load.
Select the desired Provider by clicking on their name.
Note: Clicking the provider's name will automatically redirect you to the Provider Case Load screen where you can view all of the Active and Inactive students on your Case Load.
Click the Show All tab.
Note: Clicking the Show All tab will show all of the student on your caseload and will automatically open a prompt to create groups.
1. Select the students that you would like to add to a group by clicking the Check Box next to the corresponding student.
2. In the provided field, name the group (e.g., Speech Group, Kindergarten Social Skills Group, etc.).
3. Click the Submit button to create the desired group with the selected students.
Note: Clicking the Submit button will automatically create a new table at the bottom of the page with several options for manipulating student groups, adding additional students to existing groups, adding group encounters, etc. (see next step).
If this is the first group that you are creating, after clicking the Submit button, the Provider Groups menu will automatically open listing the group that you just created.
If you have previously created a group, the new group will appear, along with previously created group(s), under the Provider Groups menu (see following screen shot).
Once you have successfully created a student group, it will appear in the Provider Groups menu at the bottom of the Provider Case Load page.
Note: The Provider Groups menu will not appear on the Provider Case Load page unless at least one Provider Group has been created.
To edit a group click the Group Name (e.g., Mink Students).
Note: If the Provider Groups menu does not appear try clicking the Show All tab in the sub-navigation toolbar.
1. To remove a student from the selected Provider Group click the Red Minus Icon.
2. To add a single encounter for an individual student within a group click the Green Plus Icon.
3. To view a list of encounters for a particular student either click the student's name or the Show Encounters Button.