This lesson will guide you through the process of creating, editing and deleting day types.
Where to Start
1. Click on the Administration Gear.
2. Under Calendar, click Day Types.
Adding a Day Type
Once on your list of Day Types, select Add Day Type at the top of the page.
1. Site- Select the site(s) you are adding the Day Type to.
2. Name/Status- Give this Day Type a name.
3. Character Code- Give the day type a character code.
4. In Session?- This will default to No, if in session, select Yes.
5. Click Save or Save and Add More.
Once Save is clicked, you will be redirected to the Day Type List and receive the confirmation, "Data successfully saved."
Edit Day Types
Follow the steps outlined in 'Where to Start', once on the Day Type List, select the pencil/pen icon to edit a day type.
You will be taken to the information page, edit what you need to and click Save.
Once Save is clicked, you will be redirected to the Day Type List and receive the confirmation, "Data successfully saved."
Delete a Day Type
Follow the steps outlined in 'Where to Start', once on the Day Type List, select the red X to delete the day type.
You will be prompted with the following message, Click OK.
Once OK is clicked, you will be taken back to the Day Type list and receive the confirmation, "Day type successfully deleted."