This lesson is intended to be a walk-through for adding, editing, and deleting MET Reports.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the Students manual for help.
This lesson also requires that a referral has been created for the selected student AND the Plan Page has been completed.
Under MET Details is a list of all MET Reports created for this evaluation. Depending on current user permissions and the stage of the evaluation, you may be able to:
1. Select Edit to open the MET Report and make changes.
2. Select View to open the MET Report in a Read Only format.
3. Select Delete to remove the respective MET Report.
4. Download a MET Report by clicking on the icons.
5. Select Print MET for the actual documentation of the evaluation.
To print a MET(s) go to the MMSE REED List and select print MET
After you are finished adding the MET(s) you are ready to move on to Close. To proceed, click on the Close tab in the Sub-navigation Toolbar.
Note: Please refer to the "Close" section in the "MMSE REED" manual for more information on how to Close.