Complete an Eligible IEP
- Create an Invitation
- Print an IEP Invitation
- Add, Edit, and/or Remove IEP Participants
- Input Participant Attendance
- Indicate Parental Attendance
- Select Primary Eligibility
- Select Secondary Eligibility
- Add and/or Edit Student Strengths
- Add and/or Edit Parental Input/Concerns
- Add and/or Edit Evaluation Types
- Add and/or Edit Demonstrated Needs
- Extended School Year (ESY) Determination
- Enter Transition Plan Invitation Information
- NEW Add, Edit, and/or Delete Transition Goals
- Add, Edit, and/or Delete Goal(s)
- Create a Benchmark Goal in a Student's IEP
- Add, Edit, and/or Delete Standard Short Term Objectives
- Add a Supplemental Aid/Service (SAS)
- Edit and/or Delete a Supplemental Aid/Service (SAS)
- Add, Edit, and/or Delete a Program or Service
- Add a State Assessment
- Add WIDA Access as ApproprIate
- Describe Transportation Details
- Nonpublic School Enrollment Statement
- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Assurances
- Determine Course of Study
- Complete Student Rights NEW
- Progress Report Assurance
- Follow Up Details
- Notice/Provision of Services