This lesson provides a description of how to provide rationale for why the IEP Team has determined the student is not eligible for special education services.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help.
This lesson also requires that you have added an invitation, indicated parental/participant attendance, and indicated that the student is not eligible for special education services. For more information on how to add an invitation and participant information see the, "Create an IEP Invitation" chapter in this manual. For more information on how to input parental/participant attendance and determine eligibility see the, "Complete Ineligible IEP" chapter in this manual.
Where to Start
To create an Invitation click on Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"

From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Ineligible Rationale.
Enter Rational for IEP Team's Decision

1. Enter rationale for the IEP team's decision in the Ineligible Rationale field.
2. Click Save or Next.
Next Steps

Clicking Save or Next will automatically take you to the Notice/Provision of Services page.
For more information on how to complete the Notice page see the, "Determine Provision of Services" lesson in this manual.