Issue: User receives the below warning message that DnA is "Unable to Set Session Cookie."

DnA uses a session cookie to know when a user is in session and how much time until that session expires. This cookie is set
For users of eduCLIMBER, SchoolCity SUITE or FastBridge products that are hosted on a different domain, your browser may consider the DnA session cookie as a “3rd Party Cookie.”
In some cases, the browser may block 3rd party cookies by default, or your district’s IT policy may block 3rd party cookies, or you may have chosen to block 3rd party cookies based on your preference.
In order to use your DnA Education products, you must either allow 3rd party cookies, or allowlist the * domain.
Please follow the below steps for your specific browser:
- Click the menu icon in the upper right side of the browser window.
- Click Settings.
- Search for “Site Settings,” and click Site Settings in the results.
- Click on Cookies.
- In the Allow section, click the Add button.
- In the field labeled Site, enter [.], then click Add.
- Close the Chrome Settings tab, refresh the DnA login page, and the problem is fixed.
- Click the menu icon.
- Click Content Blocking.
- Select either Standard option or Custom option.
- If Custom option is selected, choose Third-party trackers in the Cookies field.
- Close the Content Blocking tab, refresh the DnA login page, and the problem is fixed.
- Click Safari in the menu bar.
- Click Preferences...
- Click the Privacy panel.
- In the Cookies and website data: option, turn off Block all cookies checkbox.
- Close the Preferences window, refresh the DnA login page, and the problem is fixed.
* Note, for older versions of Safari, please use these instructions on step 4:
- Click Tools button (gear icon).
- Click Internet Options.
- Click on the Privacy tab.
- Click the Sites button.
- In the Address of Website field, enter, and click Allow.
- Click OK to close the Sites window.
- Refresh the DnA login page, and the problem is fixed.
* Note, for older versions of Internet Explorer, please see these instructions:
- Click More in the top-right corner.
- Click Settings.
- Click View advanced settings.
- Under Cookies, choose Don't block cookies.
- Restart Microsoft Edge.
- Visit the DnA login page, and the problem is fixed.
For additional help on this topic, please contact DnA Support team.