Description: This is an abstract for the assessment Assessment Items Subgroup Performance Report, which provides a table view of subgroup performance by item on a particular assessment.
Purpose: The Assessment Items Subgroup Performance Report is to aid in reviewing assessments for bias. Each subgroup of students that took a chosen assessment can be broken down to see the performance on each individual question on an assessment.
Navigation: Assessments > View Assessments > 'Title of Assessment' > Reports > Assessment Items Subgroup Performance Report

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators.
What data is reported?
The report is broken down by question and subgroup. Each question displays a total number of students that received credit for the question, followed how many students and the percentage of students in each subgroup that received credit for the question.
How is the data reported?
The data is reported in a table format. Each row is for a single item. Each column reports on a specific subgroup and their performance on the question. The table visually displays data in white cells mean 0% correct on the question for the subgroup, through different shades of blue that get darker as performance increases. Cells can be selected to view a list of students that fall in the performance level for the selected group and question.