This lesson is designed to serve as a guide to entering progress report information into Illuminate and generating progress reports for your students.
If you are still having difficulty creating a Progress Report please contact the Illuminate Help Desk by calling 951-739-0186 or e-mailing us at
Where to Start
After opening a student's record (see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help), click the Special Ed tab on the left side of your screen. Under Process, click IEP Details.
Add/Delete Reporting Period(s)
1. Click the Add Reporting Period link to create a Report Date.
2. Click the Delete Reporting Period link to remove a reporting period.
Add Reporting Period

1. Indicate the Reporting Period Date.
2. Click Save.
Note: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 as necessary to create the desired number of reporting periods.

After clicking Save a green dialogue box indicating "Reporting Period saved successfully" will appear.
Indicate Designated Case Manager
1. Using the provided text box, indicate the Designated Case Manager
2. Input the Designated Case Manager's telephone number.
Record Data
1. Input the Baseline Value in the provided field.
2. Indicate the Progress Value for each Progress Element.
3. Add a Rationale to Exclude from Progress Reporting (optional).
4. In the provided field type any remarks about the students progress on his/her objectives
5. Click Save.
Note: Repeat Steps 1-5 for each Short Term Objective being monitored.
Print a Progress Report
1. Click the "Print this goal" button to print the individual Short Term Objective being monitored.
2. Click the "Save and print this goal" button to print and save to your download folder, the Short Term Objectives for the selected student.
3. Click the "Save this goal" to save the Short Term Objective to your download folder.
Note: Clicking either the "Print this goal" or "Print" buttons will create a .pdf download. You can then print the PDF or send it electronically.
Hint: If you are having trouble accessing the PDF try downloading the most recent free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Once you have updated Adobe, if you are still having trouble accessing the .pdf download please notify your system administrator.
Next Steps

You have now successfully created a Progress Report.
Review your Progress Report PDF to ensure accuracy.
Once you have reviewed the Progress Report you can send it home electronically, in print, or both.
If you are still having trouble or would like additional information please review our Help Site or contact the Illuminate Help Desk by calling 951-739-0186 or e-mailing us at