Locking items allows organizations to hide items in the Item Bank from users without the ability to lock items. This feature can allow assessment creators to hide district benchmark items from teachers, or other items as the organization sees fit. This lesson guides users through locking individual items and locking items at the assessment level.
Required Permission: Itembank - Lock, Unlock, & Use Locked Item
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Select Browse Item Bank.
Lock Individual Items

- Find the desired item(s) to lock; filter as needed. Toggle the lock item option at the top right of the item.
- When an item has been locked, the toggle is highlighted in green and contains a lock icon. Select the icon again to unlock the item.
When an item is locked, it is only accessible to users with the permission Itembank - Lock, Unlock, & Use Locked Item.
Lock All Items in an Assessment
This section begins assuming that users have already started creating an Item Bank assessment. For more information, visit Creating an Item Bank Assessment.

- From within the assessment in the Item Bank, select the Settings icon.

- Toggle Lock All Items to lock all items within the assessment.

Items within the assessment now display the lock icon. If additional items are added to the assessment, they are not locked and will need to be locked individually, or users can return to Settings and choose to Lock All Items again.
Next Steps
Learn more advanced features within the Item Bank by visiting Locked Features.