After an item has been published, authors have the ability to make updates, or revisions, to the item. Revisions may be needed to fix spelling or grammatical errors, alter the answer options, or add standards and tags for reporting. This lesson guides users through making revisions to items.
Item revisions are not pushed to any assessment that has at least one student that has started the assessment. Assessments containing student data must be duplicated in order to revise the included items.
Where to Start
- Select Assessments.
- Select Browse Item Bank.
Access the Item
- Use the My Items filter to quickly access items that can be revised. Only the author of an item can make revisions to it.
- If an item is being used in an assessment already, an Item In Use tag appears on the item. If the assessment the item is on already has students in progress on the assessment, revisions do not push to that assessment.
- To make a revision, select the three-dot icon.
- Select Edit Item.
Make Revisions
Make any needed revisions to the item. This may include linking passages, standards, or tags, fixing grammatical/spelling errors, editing correct answers, adding or editing rubrics, and updating other item settings. When all edits have been made:
- Select Done.
- Select Publish to update the existing item. This includes pushing updates to assessments the item has been linked to.
Only assessments with no student data, and that no student has begun administration, will be updated with item revisions. Item revisions cannot be pushed to assessments with data without invalidating existing student scores.
- Select New to publish the updates as a brand new item. Future assessments will use this version of the item, but any assessments the item is already in are not updated.
- Select Discard to discard the item revisions that were currently made.
Next Steps
To learn more about the Item Bank, visit the Item Bank Items manual.